Love Mozambique

Just another weblog

Churches are growing through chaos!

We might be struggling on the mission base with water, power and what have you but the ministries are experiencing phenomenal growth as we edge closer to the end of the year. Sunday was a busy day as we interacted again with all the churches. I preached on how to love God – and what a response from the church in Pungwe – wish you all could be there.

I love the church in Africa. Everyone takes part in the church service – as you can see all the kids dancing.
We don’t have formal areas where mothers take their children to be quiet! Everyone participates!!
When the Word is preached everyone that has a Bible studies with you. It is absolutely fantastic to experience how serious everyone is when they are being taught. No sophisticated theology here – no debate if heaven or hell is a reality or just a theological problem in eschatology. Nope – real words – life changing experiences! You just have to love the church of Jesus Christ.
And hey …. if you have not experienced this yet ….. I think it is time. Visit us!

November 5, 2007 - Posted by | Outreach

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